Technique for gamers

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Hey everyone, I have a really long time without using this website but I decided to give it a try again. Today I am going to show you a little technique you can use to shorten the amount of time you spent on thinking about what type of video to make next while also making a little extra cash on the side.

With this technique there is two different ways of putting it to use.

Way One (The Affiliate Way)
1. Sign up for the website (
2. Look for a game in the offer section, then make a video about it
3. Put the tracking link from the game in the video description
4. Receive money for every person who signs up

Way Two (Less Thinking)
1. Sign up for the website (
2. Look for a game in the offer section
3. Download the game yourself and Play it while recording
4. Use the gameplay to commentate or to do whatever you want on your channel
5. Enjoy the time you saved from planning. : D

If this Technique is considered advertising in any shape or form, please send me a message letting me know so that I can take it down. This technique is not meant to be a form of advertisement but if it is I apologize. Hope all gamers and youtubers take advantage of this wonderful method of planning for your videos!
what is that exactly ??

Well basically its a website which gaming companies pay people to advertise the company's games (Usually games that recently have been released). Now you dont have to advertise for these companies, you can simply use the 2nd method I spoke about but most people usually go with the 1st method since theres money involved
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