TalentNetworks (Recruiting - Community)

What is the benefit to the content creators?: To gain a more active audience, and get them to be known in the YouTube game.

Why should we create content for you?: On the channel, content is a necessity, obviously. We plan to help you get known and earn more of a name around YouTube.

How are you planning on exposing the videos to an audience in any better way that we already do?: Once we gain a few active, and loyal subscribers / viewers, and they spread the word, we'll keep getting some more and more people. This seems very blatant and boring. We can make a lot of views, but all we need to do is get some starting off people to kick start the channel. Then we'll be set, and more and more people will start wanting to join in on it!

What is your role in all this?: I'm here to monitor the content that goes into the channel. I approve whether or not your video is going to be posted. I'm the owner of this channel.

I hope this satisfies you.[DOUBLEPOST=1353869823,1353869787][/DOUBLEPOST]
It sounds like it could be fun, but I don't QUITE grasp what's going on. Maybe I'm just too tired. Anyway. I will add you on skype when I get a chance and you can explain it to the angry australian slowly ;)
Heh, alright!
I think at this point in time anyone interested in joining the network you are suggesting will not benefit. They are essentially giving you any views and subscribers they would get for that video and it will not perform as well as it might on their growing channels. I know you need to start somewhere but there is no incentive to get in early, and help you out without a guarantee that you will do well and the contributor will be paid back for their efforts.

I'd build it up like any other channel to begin with, using your own content. When you've got a foundation to work on, look for contributors.