I'm a dude with a face and I know how to use it.
What's up brotha! Ok, I'm gonna have to dig deep to give you pointers. If I can find any to give. You're a great vlogger. You really connect with your audience and you know how to speak. I can tell you're just talking, but at the same time you have your points laid out in your mind. Well you do it great, it just, the whole thing was very interesting to watch and now I HAVE to see KTown. Cause honestly, I loved Jersey Shore, it's like a People Wreck. A Train Wreck with people. So horrible but you can't look away. So we'll see, and Ill leave a comment, I already liked.
Great thinking with the annotation thanking your fans, it really seemed.. it was the right way to do that, and congrats on getting all those views!!!
You know? I would say background music, but meh, not really the style of vlog for it, I thought about a better background, meh, not as intimate and really, not necessary, no I think you've got a good thing going. You seem naturally talented at this, so imo just make sure to listen to your gut, and to evolve. Whatever it is you like the most about what you do, get better at it, what you're not fond of? Cut it out. But honestly, you're a laid back guy, you're not trying to be a flashy vlogger, just talk to some people on the net and get feed back, so there's not much to add to this. Thanks for the request.