Tomorrow I'm gonna knock alot of these out, its my off day
Welp, you're gettin one of my crappy reviews. You come into my thread, call my reviews crappy, then shout out that you'll sub for sub? hahahahaha Review accepted, that is more than enough to warrant your review, though "not requested" because gent, I didn't "request your shout out" nor your "insult to my reviews" in this thread.
So here's your review.
It's titled, "Funny Video" Awesome. I LOVE funny videos. Then I click on the video, I see the title "A Dinosaur in it's natural habitat" You even spelled "habitat" with two b's to let me know you meant BUSINESSS. Awesome! This is gonna be about dinosaurs, AND funny. I CAN'T WAIT!!!
*Watches video*
*Mulls it over*
I GET IT. Ok... so it's funny because umm.... ok I'm looking past the limited resources here, the toy dinosaur the beer etc, I'm going for the message here. Explain this to me. This seems to be saying (if it's so "funny") that "Even the dinosaurs got drunk" or "If dinosaurs knew how great getting drunk was, they'd be drunks too ha ha ha" or "I'm so drunk I don't know what the hell I'm uploading" something of that nature pick one pick two I bet you'll get a pick that's true. Anyway. Thanks for dropping by my thread. Next time you see "brutal reviews" with a LONG rules list at the beginning, and 27 PAGES of reviews, perhaps you should THINK, before coming in, calling the reviews (which 27 pages worth of people requested) crappy, and then shouting yourself out. Thanks for droppin by pal, hope you shape up and stick around