Hey man feel free to rip the s**t out of my channel so i can improve
This is the exact same review as the last first person shooter gameplay I did, I don't see the point in just having people watch you play a game, while you talk into a microphone. And in this case it's kind of worse because you aren't even saying anything really, just saying "come on b***h" "oh s**t" and stuff.. so basically, we're just watching you play a game. I fail to see how this is entertaining, perhaps some people do? To me it's pointless, I came to watch a video, something you presented to entertain or inform me, and all I'm doing is watching you play a video game. It feels more like I'm sitting on your couch going "hey man let me play" than watching a video.
--- merged: Jun 21, 2012 at 4:01 PM ---
Alright , hoping to get some advice , I'm only 15 so my voice is obviously not at its strongest point since it is changing often .
First off, I had a good time chatting with you the other night! I think you are off to a good start, and I don't want you to misconstrue this review with me saying it wasn't good. You have a good energy and vibe about you and you're very young so you are doing fine for where you're at. These reviews however play no favorites, so let's get to the criticisms.
Singing wise you have a good grasp on pitch control and singing with feeling, but it's not there yet, and I think you are trying too hard. The way you say "wait" is a little a musical. You should draw out the note "waaait" instead of shortening it and attacking it like you do. You also have some pitch issues in parts that will probably only be fixed through practice, look up interval training online and do warm up exercises and just sing all the time to get to where you can nail every note. When I say you are trying to hard, what I mean is you seem too aware of the audience and like you're trying to portray emotion without actually losing yourself in the song and FEELING emotion. This is totally normal for someone your age who's just starting out, but the trick is to get lost in the song. To feel it as you sing it, you seem a tad bit detached to me and like you're trying to create the illusion of feeling it, but not actually doing it.
Your left hand is doing fine on the guitar, you're forming your chords quickly and able to make them ring nicely, but your right hand needs work. You're going with a kind of "bang it out" approach rhythmically and it's too jerky for the listener to drift away to. Be less aware of strumming and more aware of how it sounds, and learn to do up and down strokes to create a rhythm bed for you to sing over. Right now the way you strum is clashing with the singing and it never really takes off to where we can get into it.
But overall you did a good job, and for your age there is nothing wrong with this. Most of these things just take time and practice and you will get them as you go along. Good luck!