Subs for Kids Channel-how to?

Who has experience with kids channels? I am assuming that kids use parents logins so age group marketing does not work as intended. You kind of targeting parents who are allowing their kids to watch your channel or any internet content for that matter. Getting subs for kids channel is then not a straight forward process to me: kids are watching and liking/not liking but parents subscribing ( is that right?? that what i do for my son)
Any tips of how to tackle double market dilemma?
I was just about to come here to ask a similar question!! Most of the typical ways of getting exposure like social media is much different for channels who are targeted for kids. Most of the people who have followed us on Twitter and Instagram are other kid/toy channels and unfortunately are usually looking for sub4sub. I'm pretty sure a lot of our subs are also those same people, unfortunately. I do have a few subs from people I personally know who say their kids love our videos but other than that, I don't know how to reach the kids market (and then get subscriptions from them) other than waiting it out and hoping they are either old enough to subscribe, or have their parents do it?! I would love to hear someone chime in on this!!
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