Shaun Hilfreich
Active Member
ZoominTV gives sub-networks a choice on whether to give channels 70%, 75% or 80% revenue share.So CPM's are the same but how much you get gross can be different? I belive Azure or CN was offering 70 or 75% gross and ZoominTV as main channel 80/20? Or i'm confused after reading 4272 pages here about contracts :')
If you care about the money, in your shoes I'd remove any of the networks which don't offer the full 80%. Then of the remaining ones, I'd email them all with some pre-determined questions and see how quickly they respond and what the quality of their responses are like.
Then from there, I'd base my network of choice on their revenue share and how good/fast their support is.
If you don't care about them money, I'd skip the step on ruling out lower revenue share networks.