Stuck at 150 lol

I have been stuck at 150 ish for a while now, any ideas on how to boost my numbers by a significant amount?
I feel your pain! I wass gaining about 10 subs a week then I got to 145 and all of a sudden I'm stuck! I Don't know what happened! I'm doing everything the same!
Subscribers usually stunt around that number, but you could try maybe promoting just a little more on social media.
Subscribers usually stunt around that number, but you could try maybe promoting just a little more on social media.

How long did it take you to get passed this stunt? days? Weeks? months?it just sucks putting out a video every week and not having my audience grow at all :(
The first thing I typically check when I see these types of threads is the tags on videos. I'd definitely work on your tags. You're not going to rank at all for "fifa". It'd be more advantageous to try to rank for something more specific.

Quoting myself from another thread:
Check out the thread: HOW TO: Get More Views by Targeting 'Long Tail'/Compound Keywords for Tags. Another helpful resource is 'Video Creators' on Youtube. It's a great channel that has a TON of helpful advice for us YTbers :)

Good luck! I hope this little funk doesn't last too long for ya'!
I feel your pain! I wass gaining about 10 subs a week then I got to 145 and all of a sudden I'm stuck! I Don't know what happened! I'm doing everything the same!

I get the feeling, Haven´t been over 120 at all, but, since I use the webcam as a videocamera, I understand why. I can´t afford a great camera.
Here's my two cents.

1) It is great to see that you have an intro video on your homepage. However, it needs to be more informative and shorter. Show just a little gameplay and then tell what game genre you specialize in (soccer games) and then tell who you are (people subscribe to people, not channels) and then your release schedule and then do a SINGLE call-to-action with that being that they subscribe to your channel. Don't monetize your intro video. Your intro video is an ad for your channel. Don't let another ad hurt your ad. Do all the above between 30 seconds and a minute.

2) It appears that you are specializing in soccer video games. That's great! Specialization is definitely the way to go for gaming channels. People subscribe to SINGLE-topic channels and if they get too many off-topic videos on a channel, they unsubscribe. Never give them a reason to unsubscribe.

3) Increase your release schedule to daily. You're a gaming channel. It is what you need to do to be competitive.

4) If you are monetized, you can use the scheduler to regularly release videos. Always always ALWAYS build up a backlog of videos sitting in your scheduler. Do this not just for vacation time but in case you get sick, your computer crashes, your internet connection goes down, you get writer's block, etc. It also gives you breathing space. If you release a video everyday, fourteen videos in your scheduler represents two weeks of episodes before you have to produce another video.

5) Work on your thumbnails and video titles. Do a YouTube search on how to do thumbnails and video titles. There's a lot of good videos out there about both topics.

6) Subscribe to Tim Schmoyer's "Video Creators" and mine its archive. You can and should spend days in its archive.

7) Make up a flyer. Use yellow paper to draw the eye. Have tear-off tabs at its bottom that has your channel's name and its YouTube URL. Post it every soccer field you can within reasonable bicycling distance. By "reasonable" I mean as far as you are willing go to promote your channel. Post it all over the place at the soccer field. Have it have a headline that would catch the soccer player/fan's eye. Get a map of your city and mark on it where each soccer field is located and then on that map or a small notebook tell all the places at each soccer field where you posted your poster. Once a week, revisit those locations and replace missing, all tear-off tabs gone, torn, etc. posters. If you go on a trip, put a stack of posters into one of your suitcases, visit local soccer fields, and post your poster there.

8) At your school, start a YouTuber Club. Talk to your teacher about creating it. Get a teacher to be its sponsor. Ideally a teacher who knows how to work a camera, lighting, etc. Your best bet is your art teacher! Ask the teacher if those who make videos for the club can get extra credit from their teachers (or at least the art teacher) and ask the teacher to pitch this to the principal. Getting extra credit will pull in some kids. The key to the club is the teacher that runs it. Find a teacher who is excited about doing it. The teacher can then invite local video production companies and TV stations to come and speak to your group. Don't just invite news anchors and radio talk show hosts, but separately invite camera operators, sound technicians, producers, editors, etc. They have a HUGE wealth of knowledge that your club can mine.

Be inclusive. The club must to open to all grades in your school and all students are welcome. Don't let it become a clique. Meet weekly. Every meeting, show all the videos that all the members did over the last week. Applaud and comment. Encourage. Help each other. Collaborate with each other. Appear in each other's videos. Do skits. Have a group discussion video. Make cookies together. Brainstorm, brainstorm, brainstorm. But most importantly of all, have fun.

Once your club gets large enough, it should be able to get its own room at your school. That is a milestone that everyone in your club should do a video for their channels about. Then put up a big poster on the best spot on the best wall that keeps track of how many subscribers each channel has. Update the poster every week during the weekly meeting. The larger the club becomes and the more subscribers your channels get, the more the school will support. It might get it a computer with video editing software on it.

9) Email your local media (newspapers, radio stations, and TV stations) by sending them a press release about your channel and you. Stress that you're a local boy. Newspapers, radio stations, and TV stations are ALWAYS on the look out for "local color". If you get on a radio talk show, try to be funny on it. The more funny you are, the more likely they'll ask you to come back again.

10) Lastly but most importantly, collaborate, collaborate, and collaborate. You're a very small channel right now but everyone has to start from somewhere. Your best bet is to contact local YouTube channels. As you grow, contact larger and larger gaming channels that match your new size. Always propose an activity for the collaboration (like them playing a game of video soccer with you at your house) and never just that you want to do one. After you release a collaboration video, send links to it to local YouTubers you haven't done a collaboration with yet to show them how you do collaborations and invite them again to do one with you. Once you've done a collaboration video with all local YouTubers and saying your soccer games can be played over the Internet with other players, contact distant YouTubers and propose doing a collaboration video with them over the Internet. Be sure to include a link to the best collaboration video you've done so far so they can see how it will likely go with you.
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