Sony Vegas or Premiere Pro?


New Member
Hey so I've been using Sony Vegas for around 2 years now, and to be honest its the best editing software I've
ever used but recently I've been seeing some adobe premiere pro tutorials and I kind of like the feel of it,
and I've been thinking of switching to i.
So I'm wondering if anyone here have used the two of them before and would you recommend to stick to Vegas or switch to Premiere .
Sony Vegas Pro IS the best editing software for normal edits, if u want more advanced edits dont switch too premiere. Instead leave sony vegas pro on your pc and download adobe after effects aswell, try experimenting with it and once u get better u can choose too delete svp but i wont cause its always a solid option too choose.
I recently was offered a job making videos for a company and they wanted me to know adobe premiere and after effects. If making videos is your own hobby then sony vegas works fine, but commercial businesses hire people like us to create videos and want us to know adobe products. I didn't take the job because I don't know those programs. I got another job that didn't require specific programs for their videos.