Socialblade Estimated Earnings based on...


'Cause Grades.
So Socialblade has an estimated earnings bar. It tells how much you make per year/day. But what's that based on? A 1.25 CPM or a 8 CPM? A 70/30 split or a 90/10 split? Anyone know?
Well SocialBlade is a very rough estimate. I'm not sure exactly how they determine the Estimated Earnings, but never trust SocialBlade with your earnings. Your earnings on the dashboard of your network will give you an accurate number.
Well SocialBlade is a very rough estimate. I'm not sure exactly how they determine the Estimated Earnings, but never trust SocialBlade with your earnings. Your earnings on the dashboard of your network will give you an accurate number.
So... Zero XD
It's probably based off of how RPM is going at the time and it's probably based on a 60/40 split
When you look at how wide the range is for the estimate it is clear that they don't have any idea what any channels could be earning
It says right on the site.
Estimated earnings are just that, estimated. What we do is take a lowball and a highball value on based on what we know about what partners earn on average per view and multiply that by the number of views they get per day. This assumes every video the partner gets views on is monetized, which isn't usually the case. The number isn't supposed to be read as religion but to give you a general feeling of what they might be earning. It is updated regularly so mouse over the column header to see the values used to calculate it at any given time. Also note that the actual values any given partner might actually have vary greatly, hence the range. Use the higher end of the range if the partner you are looking at uses prerolls, and use the lower value if they do not. Also other then the ad type it really depends on where the viewers are that watch the partners videos. Ads in some countries pay way more then ads in others. Also if the user is not a partner and does not have ads on their videos this is an estimation of what they could earn. Lastly it doesn't take into account taxes or expenses of course so their actual in pocket figure is less of course.

At the end of the day again the estimated earnings are provided to give an estimation, but only the partner knows what they really make unless they make it public (which contrary to popular belief is not against google/youtube's TOS.