So... is VidMe a good idea...?


Youtube Reviewer
I saw a random video on VidMe in which the guy talks about how much easier it is for newer and smaller content creators to gain more exposure. Jenny Fedora commented on some bigger Youtubers, and how he made more revenue and gained more exposure on VidMe as opposed to his 2 channels on Youtube combined.

Has anyone tried VidMe yet while still having/keeping their Youtube channel? Have you noticed more success there or less?
Honestly, I'm more successful on YouTube. My VidMe channel doesn't get jack. Maybe it's because I don't take my VidMe as seriously, but I wouldn't personally bank on it. I grew up with YouTube. My dream was becoming a YouTuber. And if I get a bigger audience somewhere else, then it'd be very easy to neglect and be discouraged with YouTube. Someone once compared VidMe to entertaining at a child's birthday party. But this is just my opinion. It's a good site, and I've worked with some big creators on there who've achieved success, but it's just not for me.
I decided, 'the heck with it, why not?' and joined. I do hope I more attention there than on my Dailymotion channel, lmao. I notice it actually gives you the chance to wether or not you want to share to reddit (I thought it was automatic). I chose to opt out of that for now, lol.
Ugh... the weekly 3 Gig limit unless you're verified is rather annoying though. And they advise you should at least have 50 subs before trying to apply to get verified. It's only been a week, I'm not gonna get mad subs that fast, lol.
Ugh... the weekly 3 Gig limit unless you're verified is rather annoying though. And they advise you should at least have 50 subs before trying to apply to get verified. It's only been a week, I'm not gonna get mad subs that fast, lol.

3 gig upload limit a week? I tried to upload a video from my iPhone a couple of weeks ago and it wouldn't do it. Talked to support and turns out there's a 250MB...yes....MB limit per upload on iOS devices. I was like screw that and didn't upload anything.
Lmao oh man. Yeah, my upload rights won't refresh til the 19th so it's really gonna throw a wrench into whatever schedule I was trying to go by.[DOUBLEPOST=1502809184,1502809045][/DOUBLEPOST]I'm also confused on the difference between subs and followers. I 'followed' some people but my account says I didn't sub to anyone yet. And I look everywhere on other people's channels, there isn't a sub option, just a follow option.
Has anyone tried VidMe yet while still having/keeping their Youtube channel? Have you noticed more success there or less?
I had a look at and currently it offers nothing that can make a YouTube creator to move there. For monetization, they have the tips system (SuperChat analog) but for video, which can come handy, but for ads they use AdSense, so the same advertising model as YouTube, minus the commission they will take,
On the other hand, finally there is a viable competition to YouTube and it's called Facebook Watch - if Facebook starts with caring about their creators and brings good features to the creators and I can see it winning in 3-5 years. Google+ vs Facebook - Facebook won. YouTube gaming vs Twitch - Twitch won. YouTube vs Facebook watch - we will see.
Though Facebook is mostly vines and people just recording random stuff going on. I've yet to see an actual show, review, vlog or any serious video of any kind on there.
Honestly the last time I looked on there... maybe you're getting less competition but you're also getting a way lower search volume. I mean some of the channels featured on their front page pull less views per video than I do lmao. That doesn't exactly make me feel excited about the potential on that platform. All that makes me think is that my views would be like 1/10th of what they are on YouTube, if that. You may think that's relative and they're promoting small creators but that's like their top end channels. I mean JaidenAnimations has 2 million subscribers on YouTube and pulls millions of views per video. On Jaiden gets like a couple thousand views per video. . .

The WrecklessEating channel... 179 uploads with 537 followers.. pulled 39 views on their video 18 hours ago. They have over 160 million views on YouTube.

I do like their feature to subscribe(with money) to creators for like a dollar or two I think that's kind of a cool feature. I like in terms of their setup but the ceiling seems really low because their audience is so small. Not meaning to spread more negativity but that's just what I saw when I investigated it.
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