Gaming Small YouTuber Looking for Friends!


Hello :) Im a new member to the forums looking to collaborate found this place! Sadly i dont get many views and dont have many subscribers but i think my videos are fun and informative, but i cant find many people to watch my videos! I am 14 and if you want to collaborate with me please leave a response! I would love to talk !

Skype: jonathan.leppert2

Youtube: ImBosh
Unfortunately my pc is a pile of poop so I cant collab but one idea I saw for minecraft (Which you guys are thinking of playing) is to do a minecraft manhunt!! Always wanted to do that with people and im sure it will be awsome and hilarious for you guys as well. Basically you start the game and run off to different areas of the map and then try to build your base quickly with traps etc. hunt the other players down and kill them. bomb their base, steal there stuff etc etc
Unfortunately my pc is a pile of poop so I cant collab but one idea I saw for minecraft (Which you guys are thinking of playing) is to do a minecraft manhunt!! Always wanted to do that with people and im sure it will be awsome and hilarious for you guys as well. Basically you start the game and run off to different areas of the map and then try to build your base quickly with traps etc. hunt the other players down and kill them. bomb their base, steal there stuff etc etc
That sounds awesome!!!!