Small Question


Active Member
If you do a search for videos similar to yours and see that your video has a "official" tag on it, what does that mean?

Thanks for your help!!
It's mean it's the real one. Some people place it on to make sure that no one copies and edits but there are some people on the Internet who place "official" of videos that are copied just to get views.
Having the word "official" can be stupid for example naming your username such as officalmileycyrus which is weird because no one should call themselves "official"

Usually when official comes in place it means its not actually official but copied but the user wants you to think its official.
It means it is.. well, original. Like official music video, or something like that.

But yet, a lot of people will put official on videos that are not 'official' to get views.
Ah I see, thank you! I didn't put it on my video, but I searched and under one search term it popped up as "official" then I searched it by another term and it came up normal. I just thought that was weird.

Thanks for your answers!