Sketch Idea, Too Much?

Thanks for vapour rub tip btw, worked like a dream... then like an a nightmare as it went in my eyes haha
Hah well I posted it, and a few people liked it, but all in all I got hate remarks and people sending me weird crap about how the world sucks so I removed it.
Hah well I posted it, and a few people liked it, but all in all I got hate remarks and people sending me weird crap about how the world sucks so I removed it.

Aw that sucks mate :( perhaps it's best to stick to things that don't risk rubbing people up the wrong way. I have found that only super-duper-famous-balls YouTubers seem to be able to get away with this, because people will agree with them no matter what. I didn't even get to see it! Ahhh, never mind.
Hah yeah your right it does kind of suck, not to worry though I still have the stuff I recorded and the script, I'm just going to change the ending to some ficticious group instead, this will be better I think :D