Sketch Idea, Too Much?


I've Got It
Okay hey there!

I have a sketch idea based around 'Anonymous', not a comedy this time round. Just curious though if this topic is a bit too much for some people cause its quite real? I don't want to cause issues I want to entertain.

I know I haven't told you about the plot but I don't want to give it away. Lets just say it involves the end of the world. (Not a Sims Movie by the way)
Giving the plot away in an idea isn't bad. It will help judge if the idea is good etc.

Script's / synopsis also tell the ending. Not telling the plot is like selling a product to a costumer without telling what the product does.
I think in essence it could be a good idea, but since Anonymous is as vehemently hated as it is followed, you could gain some unwelcome attention. If you handle it right, however, throw just a pinch of humour in to help lessen the blow, should be fine :)
Leachy: Yeah as do I ;), trying to make it look real could be interesting I've been looking online for how to make myself 'cry on cue', not floods of tears but just distressed. (I've got the V for Vendetta mask :p)

Frankie: Yes that is my concern I mean most likely this video would just stay in the shadows and obviously be a sketch but IF it was to get noticed I don't want anonymous to get the wrong idea as of course it is just fiction. I'll add some humour into the beginning parts before things start getting serious if I can.

Thanks for your responses.
Putting a small disclaimer at the start or end will help. Say that this is a work of fiction, not to be taken to heart, etc. Surprisingly how something like that can satiate an angry do-gooder sometimes ;D
Yeah, the crying on cue would be cool, or destressed as you could call it. I agree with Frankie, a disclaimer would keep the angry do gooder satiated..
Okay awesome thanks, I'll put a disclaimer at the end. Just so that it doesn't ruin the overall effect. Here's hoping I CAN actually cry on cue heh. Thanks for all your help, i'm going to remove the script as I don't want people to nab my idea :D.
Ooh you want a tip for that? Vicks VapoRub, just a little dab under the eyes - not too close to the eye though lol. Works a treat! (I did this once in drama back at school)