Other Shoutout for Shoutout


Active Member
This is basically where you shout me out and i will shout you out. I will only do one person. I have 143 subs so you should have 100 or more subs. I make gaming content. Also we could do Channel for Channel Box
A big NO here! That won´t help you in the long run either. Since people only go to your channel because someone shouted you out, and they will not stay on your channel for long! focus on your content and you will eventually grow!
To be honest, shoutouts don't really do what you hope they do.When you shout someone out in a video, only a small percentage of your viewers will even consider checking them out. I have over 500 subs and tried to shout out one of my friends in a video that got around 600 views and a decent amount of comments. I think only 4 people at most subbed to his channel. Viewers are interested in the content, and that's what you should focus on.