Should you add monetization to videos?

I have 670 subs and have yet to monetise a single video. I think it would put people off and until I get a decent following I won't be monetising. Calculate roughly how much you will get in a month, then ask yourself whether it's really worth it.
Alot of people start YouTube these days for the money, thinking they`re going to make 100s of $ for like 10 views, when in reality you earn a couple of $s per 1000 views.
Dont get me wrong I haven't joined for the money, I would love to be paid to make videos but I joined because i like making videos. I would rather get paid to make the videos then not get paid. Thats why im asking

Alot of people start YouTube these days for the money, thinking they`re going to make 100s of $ for like 10 views, when in reality you earn a couple of $s per 1000 views.
I know alot of people stay away from it completely because fans get pi**ed off with ads but in reality if you can get paid to make videos, you would make more videos. So surly fans would prefer that.

What do you guys do? and is it effective? and do you receive hate in the comments for it?
till now, i had no haters, beware off :)

but. i have only the adds wich could be skippt after 5 sek. if i see a video with these 30 sek sales promation im p****d to
I hate everything with monetization, just want my thumbnails haha and thats it!
I dont want money! :eek:
I always enable monetization. I make enough to pretty much pay my monthly mortgage, so it certainly makes sense for me.

My viewers don't seem to mind. Never had any comments about the ads etc and it hasn't affected my channel negatively at all. Maybe it makes you look a bit more professional since the big players always monetize etc.
Wow, so who should i be aiming to partner with?[/quote]

Wait till you get to at least 100+ views per day before you think about partnership.