Should I wait or should I partner now?

I think you should wait a bit because they keep some of your money and you should get bigger before that.
Hey everyone, I need some advice and opinions on something I've been thinking about for a while, my channel has grown a bit in the past 2 months.
I currently have 236 subscribers and 263 views/day according to socialblade, and I am wondering if I should partner now or if I should wait until I get over 300 views/day? I don't really care about the money but it would be cool to be partnered :) and I do gaming videos! :D

So what are your thoughts? To be or not to be partnered, that is the question..
Hey man. I have similiar stats to you and have been asking myself the same question. I have decided to partner because I was offered good contracts by big networks and I believe it will get me bigger faster. Even though they do not directly promote you, they do little things that helps. Like helping you out in the google search engine and suggested videos searches. Once you have a video get over 1k views, youtube starts using it and if you're partnered, it will get used better (so I have heard). People see your channel vids and find you more professional if you have that big partner branding (especially kids). A few other things swayed me as well, but those are the main ones. If you do partner, I suggest using a name that people will recognize and get the shortest term. At our level, growth is most important and I think the name brand is what helps the most. Correct my logic anybody if you think otherwise.
Hey man. I have similiar stats to you and have been asking myself the same question. I have decided to partner because I was offered good contracts by big networks and I believe it will get me bigger faster. Even though they do not directly promote you, they do little things that helps. Like helping you out in the google search engine and suggested videos searches. Once you have a video get over 1k views, youtube starts using it and if you're partnered, it will get used better (so I have heard). People see your channel vids and find you more professional if you have that big partner branding (especially kids). A few other things swayed me as well, but those are the main ones. If you do partner, I suggest using a name that people will recognize and get the shortest term. At our level, growth is most important and I think the name brand is what helps the most. Correct my logic anybody if you think otherwise.

Thanks for taking your time and replying! Yeah it seems pretty reasonable, may I ask who you're partnered with? Because I have been thinking about one network I would like to partner with
Thanks for taking your time and replying! Yeah it seems pretty reasonable, may I ask who you're partnered with? Because I have been thinking about one network I would like to partner with
I have not decided yet because I am waiting to hear back from Yeousch. I will choose them if I get in (big if). Otherwise, I will decide between Machinima and Fullscreen.
Apply to all the networks that you think would be a good fit for you and see what type of contract they offer you. Think about the split, cpm, and contract term. Once you sign that contract, it's a done deal.

If no one accepts you, or you don't agree to the terms of the contract then just stay with Adsense until you get bigger :) Good luck!