Should I keep YouTube a secret?


Well-Known Member
Now that we have had this channel we have kept it a secret from all friends and family although it would really help us if we advertised it to them knowing it would get us thousands of views. Should we tell them about our channel even though we might get made fun of?? Do any of you YouTubers have the same problem?
My friends and family know that I am a 'YouTuber' but ive let very few of them know the channel details.
I think id feel embarassed if people I knew watched them.
Now that we have had this channel we have kept it a secret from all friends and family although it would really help us if we advertised it to them knowing it would get us thousands of views. Should we tell them about our channel even though we might get made fun of?? Do any of you YouTubers have the same problem?
If you feel comfortable sharing your videos with friends/family I'd say go for it. Theres nothing to be ashamed of, most people in this day and age have a YouTube channel LOL
Saying that, I don't share with my friends/family, but that's more because I don't have many close friends anymore and i'd feel way too awkward to share it with my 'facebook friends' haha

If you feel comfortable doing it, then do it, the extra views can't hurt
I personally shared with family and friends because I knew they would support my journey. It all boils down to how comfortable you are with them knowing.
Some people from school found our YouTube channel, which we think is great since we get more subscribers, and they don't all know us very well in the first place. Some of our family know we are Youtubers, but we've only started telling them the name of our channel recently since we were kind of self conscious about our videos before.

Julia and Claire
It's entirely up to you but you may find they'll support you. Sure it may a bit weird to begin with but that feeling will pass.
I keep YouTube a secret hehe ima sew sneakyyy lol nah i would tell them once i became sucessfull but as of now i don't really see a point
I shared videos with my family, even though it was a bit embarrassing at first, you get used to the feeling of them knowing, you just can't think like "oh, what will they think of this video when i upload it, they will hate it and make fun of me". If they really care about you they will want to help and support you, if they are making fun (being actually cruel, not just friendly jokes, of course) of you for doing what you love doing then screw them
Not many people know that I have a YouTube channel but if you don't feel comfortable just yet to share your channel, then wait. There is no rush at all & sometimes its better to wait than make a decision you know you're not sure about :)
I think it depends on self-confidence and what type of videos you are doing.
I was not feeling comfortable with friends knowing my channel in the beginning, even if I don't have any videos where I'm talking in front of the camera or something, just.walking around / enjoying views / snorkeling... on holidays. It turned out the be pretty cool, a few friends share my videos and tell me they enjoyed watching and things like this.