Should I join TGN? (small gaming-related channel, 1000 subs/15000 views)


New Member
EDIT: I brain-farted and for some reason wrote in the subject that I have 1000 subs. I don't; I have around 150. When I say small, I really mean it!

Hello everyone, new/greenhorn YouTube content creator here (150 subs, 15000 or so views). I'm mostly active on Twitter and Instagram so my YouTube presence is just starting out. I had some recent videos of mine do fairly well in terms of viewership, and now I've found myself with a partnership offer from TGN.

I've done a lot of research and it's pretty hard to get a definitive answer as to whether or not I should accept this offer. The overall impression I'm getting is that joining a multi-channel network isn't a great idea if you're a small channel because, though it can get you more subs, the 60/40 split offered by TGN will further cut into your already small earnings with YouTube. I'm also aware that networks like TGN often have content scouts just mindlessly sending out emails to all the small/beginning YouTubers they can find, so I'm not under any illusions of importance or anything here.

If I could get some advice from more seasoned/veteran YouTubers here, I'd really appreciate it. I'm fully open to the idea of joining if it's a good idea, but I'm really in over my head here (for now) and I'd like to be more educated before moving forward with a decision.

I do have it in writing that my content remains owned by me before, during, and after the TGN partnership, and that I can leave whenever I want (with a 30-day notice), but I get the impression that things won't be quite that cut and dried if/when I partner with them, and I've read that getting your channel back after exercising the option to leave can be very difficult and take a long time.

So the overall impression I have is that partnering with a network like TGN can be good if (a) you can get a better offer than 60/40 and (b) your channel is already established/larger, but it's less useful/beneficial for smaller channels such as mine.

Anyway, any advice on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!