Short Film Ideas

Callum Rowley

I've Got It

My and a friend (14) are looking to make a few short films but don't have many ideas. I do have one which I am currently making, but I need some more and need them quick! We could both pass anywhere between 14-16 fairly easily. If anyone has any movie ideas, no matter how advanced, please comment below. Any I do use will have the person credited in the credits and their channel linked in the description.

Thanks in advance,
Thanks, but I was thinking more like actual short films. As in short comedy type films. I do put videos on my channel, but we were wanting to make some short films as well. :)
We do comedy sketches, one you could consider a short film would be:
Check it out if you need any inspiration and tell me if it helped.
Its pretty short but it has a kind of exaggerated narrative where this guys life has happened in like 2 days ahaa