Other Sharing Some Love


Mother of Dragons...Wait...
I'm starting a weekly channel review/shout-out video at the end of every week. Granted, people will be asking "You only have 200+ subscribers what would that do for me?" Well, having only 200+ some subscribers might not seem like a lot. Though, it doesn't include other places where I'll post the video, and links to your channel. So, if you'd enjoy possibly having your channel featured just reply to this thread, and good luck!

Oh, I don't MIND reviewing gaming channels as long as they're unique!
I was actually planning on doing a similar thing on my channel, but more of a "Shout-Out Sunday" kind of show ^-^

I'd be willing to get involved I guess, sounds like fun! :D
CJ! no way, I never knew you were on this site! whats up man and I would love to partake in this bro.

Haha, yeah. I've only been on here for about a month or so (on and off). Nice to see ya man! Oh, my GF is nearly done with your banner. She'll send you a few designs that you can pick from. :D

Also, of course I'll include you in a video man.
Haha, yeah. I've only been on here for about a month or so (on and off). Nice to see ya man! Oh, my GF is nearly done with your banner. She'll send you a few designs that you can pick from. :D

Also, of course I'll include you in a video man.

WOOP DE DOOO! Thanks again CJ, well this site is a great way to know other people like us ^_^
WOOP DE DOOO! Thanks again CJ, well this site is a great way to know other people like us ^_^

Yeah, it's a pretty cool site from what I've seen so far. Majority of people seem to be much more supportive than (other) sites, I won't name any names haha!

Oh SherlockBoi I'll be including you in a video as well.