Seriously I still don't understand. What do networks like Fullscreen offer that I can't already get?


subscribe if you like my hair
Branding options have been normalized, so I don't need that any more. (and probably wouldn't give you 1/3 of my revenue just for that anyway).
It's not hard to find free/cheap music on the internet. (and I don't use music in my videos much anyway)
I don't buy that I'll make any extra money, and won't until someone specifically demonstrates how. I've heard lots of people say they make less money than normal Google Adsense, but almost no one say they make more.
I don't buy that they'll "promote" your channel until I see this happen...I have followed a couple Fullscreen partners who have had less than 500 subscribers for the past year.
I have gone from 400 to 13k subs in less than a year on my own, you telling me a network can do better?
I feel like I am missing something, because almost every popular YouTuber is partnered with a Network, and Fullscreen has accepted me, but I fail to see why anyone would willingly give a middleman a cut of their money when they can take care of anything themselves.
The main reason is money, because even though the network will take a cut of your earnings, you earn per thousand views, whereas with google adsense you earn per click on an ad, so at a small level they are indistinguishable, but as you grow, you will earn a lot more with a network due to the increase in views.
Alot of gamer's get partnerd because then they are allowed to post and monetize gameplay that you wouldn't be able to do otherwise since it would be copyrighted. So a network takes care of the copyright problems for gamers, but for vlogger's i also don't really see a point in getting partnerd. If you are doing alright without one then i would stay unpartnerd :)
Fullscreen offers higher paying ads. Yes, your pay is cut, but you will end up making more with a network than with adsense alone. Fullscreen does promote your videos. They are always tweeting out videos from different Fullscreeners. I am partnered with Vlog Union, a subhub of Fullscreen, and they have Vlogger Of The Week competitions and promote their channel on social media's.
Well I'm not an expert on this topic but in my opinion it highly depends on the content your channel focuses on. Take mine for example, I make cover songs so I wouldn't be able to monetize my videos because I don't have the rights but with Fullscreen I would be able to do so due to the deal they signed with UMPG. I think it's the same with gaming channels. I see you don't use any copyrighted resources so yeah, maybe it's pointless for you.
your growing fast if i were you and my channel was growing as big as yours i would meet with network and have a special contract written up saying your going to make more money! it helps to basically have some one have your back in case s**t hits the fan "why big companies always have a good lawyer on call"
Biggest thing is better pay outs.
Also you do realize that Adsense/Google/Youtube take a cut of your money..

Yes, and with a Network, you will have Google AND the Network taking an additional cut. I can not fathom how this results in you making more money. Even with higher paying ads, you have to have a consistent CPM of like 20$ in order to make up the difference.
Yes, and with a Network, you will have Google AND the Network taking an additional cut. I can not fathom how this results in you making more money. Even with higher paying ads, you have to have a consistent CPM of like 20$ in order to make up the difference.
Not really, because the CPM quoted to you by the network is the CPM you will receive AFTER cuts taken by everything else, so if you are quoted $3 CPM, your revenue will probably be like $5 RPM, but you see $3 of it.
Well yeah, Fullscreen doesn't give you a set promised CPM do they though? And 3$ CPM is about normal for the networks that do (which I think is only the super large established ones), but I have consistently made at least 3$ and usually more using just Google Adsense.