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How many videos is the limit?you can send multiple videos in we get to as many as possible make sure to have them by monday!
How many videos is the limit?you can send multiple videos in we get to as many as possible make sure to have them by monday!
lmaoYes you have too many too choose from.
I am not sure if any of our video's are funny enough.
Can it not be funny and be serious?. (AKA Ranting about a subject)
Yes The Videos Dont have to be funny Rants and any crzyness is fine and All Submissions have to be made on Youtube or email Thevide0kings /Thevide0kings1@gmail.comlmao
about to send you guys a video now
haha alright im not too worriedAlrighty stay tuned for Wednesday to see your video showcased and to get mother Theresa reaction please note she gives her honest opinion and can sometimes be harsh but ever video creator picked gets llinked to and shouted out at the end
alrighty looking forward to seeing your submission and dont forget to sub to see when your video is reacted tohaha alright im not too worried
lol alrightalrighty looking forward to seeing your submission and dont forget to sub to see when your video is reacted to