Scripting or not scripting

I write my script down and then my brother and I go over it and try it a bunch of times so it sounds as natural as possible. If you want a more casual feel, you can have it, I just find it really helps with saying exactly what you want to say and sounding professional. If you're able to say what you want without a lot of uhhs and likes it is more appealing to the listener. It depends on the channel and the presenter.
I've practiced scripted and non scripted videos for comparison. And I have come to the conclusion that doing non-scripted videos are better.
Here's why:
-People can tell if someone is reading off a script.
-A person reading a script tends to speak faster.
-Reading faster results in a lack emotions.
-Lack of emotions = losing connection with your audience.
-People hardly blink when reading a script ha! (An obvious giveaway that there's a script present).

A good alternative if you must use a script is to make an outline, but try to be as organic as possible.

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It really comes down to the kinda content that you are making, some people dont use scripts, some use notes and some script stuff. It is entirely down to preference
Definitively depends on the content you make. I work with scripts because I am sure to keep it clean and I can circumvent my language barrier, other people will prefer to go scriptless or just use notes
I put Bullet Points of things I want to talk about in the video on a post-it note before time and then I look at the topics and just go for it. I feel that you can get a video that feels more natural when you do this :) But if you are looking to do skits then I definitely suggest scripting because you should plan those out more :p hope this helped <3
It's good to boost your confidence & to focus on a main point without going out of lead (what the video is about). Try it and see what happens. If your viewers seem to like it, do it more. Don't really see a difference? Then try and go without it and maybe try it again later on.
For me it hugely depends on the type of video I will be doing. Some types of videos will absolutely need scripting, some will just sound fake and come off as boring if they are scripted.
I will use my productions channel for an example. On it I do various different types of videos. I do the odd review, a vlog here and there, film analysis videos and even short films.

Now a vlog is something that should never really be scripted as such. Vlogs are meant to feel genuine and scripting it will make it seem the complete opposite. I mean, think of topics and a general jist for your vlog is different from sitting down to script it word for word. So in this example, scripting is a no no (at least for me).
However, for my film analysis videos I would tend to script them. Due to the nature of film analysis and film theory, I would need to script it for structure and to convey my points accurately. When I say script, what I mean is script the subject and structure of the video but not word for word. Unless I am doing a film study of a technique, then I would script it word for word.

Then, as an extreme example, take my short film 'Broken Vows'. That is something that is scripted down to every last detail. How the set is designed, how the actors look, how they move, how the dress, what they say, how they say it and even the shot angles/shot types are all scripted (to give a specific feel to it).

There is no real definitive answer. It all depends on the video and what you are trying to make.
Like everyone said, it really depends on the videos you're making. For my animations, I have to make a script partly because it's kind of like a skit playing out and I need to have written down what I want to be said. The other reason I write scripts is because if I don't, I'll start on the topic of whatever my video is about then end up talking about something completely different! I struggle in class discussions...
I write ^_^ But it really depends, if you decide to script, you gotta make sure you could act it out and it would look natural. I script because I want my videos to be well thought out (I do a satire comedy channel), I want my jokes to be clever, my scenarios, or whatever it is I'm trying to say. I want the flow of the video to be smooth and I don't wanna suddenly go blank during filming.
I script entirely. I don't ever end up using the script verbatim. I tend to read them over before I record, and glance back in between paragraphs. I find that it's helpful to think out entirely what I plan to say even if I don't exactly say what I planned.