Script or Improv?

For videos I have been advised to use a script so that I'm not constantly umming and ahhing, however I find that as long as I have a vague idea of what the vlog / sketch should be about I get along fine. Maybe I find it easier because I'm quite young and can edit out mistakes later. Which do you find easier?
It depends on what I am doing but a lot of the time I just have notes that I print off so I remember to include everything that I wanted in the video. I find having notes at the very least ensures I include everything and if I do mess up I can check my notes and record a piece to edit into the video later, it also helps me stay on topic or if there's anything specific planned within the video. For vlogs though just a few points written down would work for many people.
For the most part I do gaming videos with improvisations, but one series I do I use a organizer to keep track of what I say. I'd say an excellent compromise would be to make a list of things to talk about, or particular points you want to address and keep to that. That way if anything spur of the moment comes up you'll still have enough flexibility to use it. The goal is to create content that's natural and not forced, but also refined and not sloppy.
scripted always has a better general output only thing that wouldnt really require scripts is vlogging i do sketches so i script everything you have to be very talented to pull off a sketch from improv alone
It depends on what I am doing but a lot of the time I just have notes that I print off so I remember to include everything that I wanted in the video. I find having notes at the very least ensures I include everything and if I do mess up I can check my notes and record a piece to edit into the video later, it also helps me stay on topic or if there's anything specific planned within the video. For vlogs though just a few points written down would work for many people.
There are times where I forget a certain thing I wanted to talk about, so making a list seems like a good idea. Thanks!

scripted always has a better general output only thing that wouldnt really require scripts is vlogging i do sketches so i script everything you have to be very talented to pull off a sketch from improv alone
I agree with the sketch improv, as doing immediate improv in drama alone is quite a challenge, and that's not even with a camera!

For the most part I do gaming videos with improvisations, but one series I do I use a organizer to keep track of what I say. I'd say an excellent compromise would be to make a list of things to talk about, or particular points you want to address and keep to that. That way if anything spur of the moment comes up you'll still have enough flexibility to use it. The goal is to create content that's natural and not forced, but also refined and not sloppy.
Forced content tends to make the entire video less fun, so writing down a list that can freely be used would be a great compromise.

Not completely scripted just jot down a few keywords before hand :p
That way it doesn't seem like such a strain :D
I agree with the sketch improv, as doing immediate improv in drama alone is quite a challenge, and that's not even with a camera!
yeah im part of the improv crew in my drama club so believe me its tough ive learned first hand the auditions for it were brutal lol
Have to agree with Shane. I don't use a script at all except for pre recorded special intros or segments, but I can definitely see the wisdom in doing some prep with a comedy channel. Just try both ideas and see what works for you.

Just remember to have fun :)