screen capturing software? FREEEEE???? PIE?????

I could send you a code?

omg.. I'd be so down. And appreciative I'd definitely shout you out, not say WHY hahaha but just say "my friend Mudplayz helped me get started so check out their channel"[DOUBLEPOST=1371566429,1371566408][/DOUBLEPOST]
Symph, you have a Mac right? Just use Quick Time it comes with a screen capture.

no way, for realz? HAHAHAHA I'm such a noob...
is there no way to get it to record my audio too? And if not, how do you guys sync your audio?
It's free and you already have it on your computer. I hope that works for you :happy2:

yeah it doesn't seem to record the audio, obviously I can record the audio from my camera (I'll be doing face cam game plays) but how do I get it synced perfectly?