RPM TAKE 60%?!


Active Member
Reading through my contract, i probably shouldnt reveal this but they take 40% then another 20% commission for maker studios, so ill be left with 40 % thats pretty bad surely??
thats before tax.. i live in the uk, so ill have to pay tax there then pay tax when i get my money in the uk.. so ill be left with nothing? really concerning..
My contract says they're taking 40% and I don't have to pay tax because I earn just below the minimum. If your contract really says 60% don't sign it.
RPM take 40% total, you are left with 60%, and you won't pay tax until you earn over approx £80 in a month (it could be just under that, but that's my guess) PROVIDING you don't already have a job, in which case you will pay tax on that £80.
hum... i have to review my contract, i was so in the need of having partnership that i didnt check that out. ;/
RPM take 40% and give 20% of THEIR 40% to maker studios :) it's a 60/40 split and you get the 60% :)

Being with a network normally (i say normally it's pretty much always) make you a hell of a lot more money because they get better adverts on your money, they're trying to make loads of money to so they get the best adverts that pay the most onto your videos :) with RPM instead of Adsense you will definitely notice a big difference in ad revenue :)
Reading through my contract, i probably shouldnt reveal this but they take 40% then another 20% commission for maker studios, so ill be left with 40 % thats pretty bad surely??
That sounds ridiculous. It's good that you read the fine print of the contract though. Most people don't. If you're not happy with it, don't sign with them! And if you already have, best of luck. :[