RPM partnering Channels with less views?

Well, now the network I am looking to join is Collective. I'll tell you how that goes I guess xD
Give us an update after a while and let us know what its like. Im kinda hesitant to join any of them beucase i dont really see much in the line of gains from them. If they offered more i would be interested, Now im not asking anyone to look at my channel but with the views i have should i have made some money by now ive been monetized for 3 years!
RPM recently posted this on their twitter:

"Please allow at least 10 minutes between each attempt to apply for partnership. Our system is experiencing a high volume of traffic!"

looks like many people will become partners now :P
Really they usually respond to me within a day or so? Well I guess I will just stick with RPM for the year and hopefully help my channel grow and maybe switch to a bigger network. I am glad that I don't have the new contract.
Same here.

Don't get me wrong they are still a good network personally for me at the moment as I never really need the support that much & the CPM I have I am pretty happy with, I just wanted a 1 year deal and RPM was definitely the right choice for me when I made the decision but news like this is quite irritating, I don't like it when networks partner people with next to no views as 1.) I feel like it lowers the values of a partnership 2.) The people they do partner have very little chance of reaching the threshold. 3.) It can cause people who are upcoming to lose motivation as after they have got their partnership and realize its not as great as they thought it would be they just give up.
RPM recently posted this on their twitter:

"Please allow at least 10 minutes between each attempt to apply for partnership. Our system is experiencing a high volume of traffic!"

looks like many people will become partners now :p

Ahh jeez by the time I wake up in the morning RPM will have 10,000 more partners :P lol
Don't get me wrong they are still a good network personally for me at the moment as I never really need the support that much & the CPM I have I am pretty happy with, I just wanted a 1 year deal and RPM was definitely the right choice for me when I made the decision but news like this is quite irritating, I don't like it when networks partner people with next to no views as 1.) I feel like it lowers the values of a partnership 2.) The people they do partner have very little chance of reaching the threshold. 3.) It can cause people who are upcoming to lose motivation as after they have got their partnership and realize its not as great as they thought it would be they just give up.
I couldn't agree with you more. You basically said everything I was think right now.
As much hate as there is raining down on this it might be a good thing in some ways. I'm not sure but there may be some way of progressing up the ranks during the contract to Maker full or TGS. Gamers will be covered by Maker's licenses for Let's Plays and game footage. But then again that CPM is going to be diluted because of all the numbers. I'm currently eyeing up Blip.TV though as I run up to launching my series on Monday as they seem to have a good sales team with solid series already on there.
Just to clarify... Does RPM allow gamers? Also, for a small channel like mine would it be okay if I joined them besides in 2 years hopefully I can get with someone better. Also, do they allow headers and thumbnails? :)