RPM Network Money Made for 75k Views A Month ?

How exactly do you calculate the CPM? Do you divide estimate earning with the total monetized views and multiply that by 1000? If so I am getting like $3.2 CPM
Just check your CPM under Ad Performance on Analytics. It will include your estimated earnings too.. Note that it's the before amount of the agreement of revenue share between you and the Network.
Just curious, has any small network got out of Machinima before contract ended? I have asked them before and they said it is not possible, but just wondering if anyone did it.
I`m pretty sure it does, I have a copy of the january 2013 contract .... don`t ask how :p

I think it depends on the contract. I've seen three different ones in the past 2 weeks. One has a ceiling. One does not. One has a fixed CPM that goes into a percentage deal if ad rates exceed a certain amount (no ceiling), so it appears they are giving out lots of different contracts.