RPM, Digital Minds, Creator X or Fullscreen

Don't do anything with digital minds or RPM. Fullscreen have high requirements and I have checked, you currently don't meet them. Creator x however, are a sub-network of fullscreen but only require around 100 views per day. They are a great network and you'll get all the features of a fullscreen partner
Hope that helps :)
If you have anymore questions then feel free to hit me up
RPM accepts anyone now- but channels with less than 84 daily views will be offered a 2 year, 50%/50% contract. That contract is really bad. If you want, boost your views up to 84 views, then sign. I like RPM. I am partnered with their gaming sub-network. The thing is, RPM will probably be swamped in support with all the new partners. Everyone here is saying Fullscreen or a sub-network of Fullscreen so I guess try one of them out as well. Digital Minds is a sub-network of Bent Pixels. Bent Pixels is a huge network, but I have not really heard anything about Digital Minds. :p Choose the right one. Good Luck!

Digital Minds is not a sub-network of BentPixels. They are their own independent network. :p
Thanks for all the replys guys! Helped alot
Gonna wait till Creator X or Fullscreen accept then I'll go with one hopefully :D
RPM accepts anyone now- but channels with less than 84 daily views will be offered a 2 year, 50%/50% contract. That contract is really bad. If you want, boost your views up to 84 views, then sign. I like RPM. I am partnered with their gaming sub-network. The thing is, RPM will probably be swamped in support with all the new partners. Everyone here is saying Fullscreen or a sub-network of Fullscreen so I guess try one of them out as well. Digital Minds is a sub-network of Bent Pixels. Bent Pixels is a huge network, but I have not really heard anything about Digital Minds. :p Choose the right one. Good Luck!

Good points about RPM but the part about Digital minds isn't true, Digital Minds are an MCN and are not a sub network of Bent Pixels.