RPM - ADSENS Problem

Hi there,
I was first partnered with adsense few months ago,
and then I get message from RPM to join their network,
And I accepted their network ,on my channel settings
it says that I am parnter with RPM network verifed.
Today I got this message,

"We have attempted to send you an invitation, but it appears your channel is connected to another network. Please contact your current YouTube network and request to be released. Once you are released, respond to this email and we will continue the onboarding process."

Today I get to the adsense and block all my ads ,its that all ,or I must do something else,delete my adsense or what... ?
Hope that you will understand my English :)
Please answear
Seems like you`re already linked, infact if you`ve accepted the linking email then you`re linked :)

Probably just another glitch with RPM`s email system.
Do you have the Banner and Video claiming features?

And it wouldn`t be detecting you`re with Adsense (as being with another network) because networks have no control over their partners Adsense accounts.
Yes I have claiming options ,
I have new channel layout ,and I dont want to change them :)
Yes ,I read it from RPM facebook page,its bug,they will fix it soon...
I am waiting 2 days....