Riding off the coattails of your most popular video?

I think this fits a little better in the Strategy / Technique advice forum, so I've moved it to there. ^_^
Oops sorry! thank you for moving it![DOUBLEPOST=1489427588,1489427435][/DOUBLEPOST]
Oh yes I have lol... My channel was suppose to be about game reviews done in my crazy weird...way..of..be..in.g.. i seriously should see a doctor...
MMM yea! so was suppose to be about game reviews and suddenly my elmo thing...became..well...a thing! who would of known that my hard work for doing 30-40m game reviews would be COMPLETELY CHATTERED by my ...1h barely planned...actually 0 planning.. just grabbed the first puppet i had "tikle me elmo" open its guts!! shove my hand in its brains and make the lifeless puppet come to life with an evil attitude to everything... lol My elmo vids normally do well, not all but some have past 50k views... and now im suffering the consequences wish is why i had to create another channel exclusive for him and trying to clean up the mess that is my brain! i mean my channel :D:D:D:D

So to answer your question, DO YOU, f**k WHAT I THINK WITH ^ he thinks what anyone thinks and do what you think. AKA make the video

HI! your pretty!
I guess thats true, I think the video I made wasn't toooo dissimilar to the regular videos I make (or used to make) so I guess thats okay
My most viewed video has like 300 something views (yeah, okay judge me) so I just yesterday made a part two of it.. Not because I thought it would gather more views, but also because the content is relevant and funny, and I have more stories based off of the same thing (Bad Tinder date experiences. Girl. I could go on forever.) I don't think it's a bad idea. Just make sure it isn't terribly similar!
Yeah! I used to do a lot of the typical (10 things I love/hate about ____) types, so it's one of those//// But it's not the same info I used in the first video!
Although some people think those types of videos are cheap anyway haha.... oops
I tried it once and it's now my least popular video... I guess it just doesn't work with dance videos. :/