Video 1 Review: I gotta admit man, I found this video really funny to watch, and I'm really surprised that you don't have more subscribers or views than you already watch because you have got a really high quality video footage for people to watch, a great sense of humour, and a really active fan base (as shown by your Facebook page). However, there are a couple of things that would put people off watching the video and I'm sure can be adjusted quite easily: 1. You seem to have added a 'blur effect' for when you move across the screen. It is kind of off-putting whilst watching the video because of the fact that we seem to loose sight of you a bit and it can (with some people) make the video a bit 'dizzy' and hard to watch. However, this should be easily editable.
Something else I noticed is that you do not seem to vary your shots enough; every single shot is a close up. And some of the time, these shots are positioned slightly wrong so - you positioned the odd one where it made you look like a midget trying to peek over the bottom of the video. When doing a close up shot in the kind of video, it is ideal that you show the top of your chest, shoulders, and full head (with a gap slightly at the top); that way it makes you seem more confident in front of the camera. Something that I recommend that you maybe play about with, is to try to play around with doing medium shots (which show upper body); you don't necessarily have to do this for a whole video, but I would recommend trying this out for a bit.
However, this was a very funny video to watch! Great Job!!
Video 2 Review: This is a very good video

I like the way you put it together!!
Couple of things that I'd say about this video that could be easily be worked on. One is the fact that when you edit a video together like this, I would recommend not putting all four video pieces in a line next to each other. It looks and works a lot better if you put it in a 2 by 2 grid because that way you can have four mid shots rather than attempts at 'squished' long shots. This way, you can keep up the high quality of the video in each for corners without any resizing 'gone wrong'. I would also say that I would have liked to have seen much brighter lighting put upon you. It did seem that you were a bit 'in the shadows' at times and it felt a bit gloomy to watch. Try adding a strong lamp angled nearish to you. However, make sure that you don't aim it at your face since it will make you squint and make it more difficult for the viewer to see you.
Another point I need to ask is whether the song is copyrighted because you need to make sure with stuff like this if you ever want to get into monetizing your videos (which in your case can be a definite option soon enough).
Overall, great video, I liked the content that you put in!!
Video 3 Review: Well........... this was kinda weird to be completely honest. I wasn't too sure what to make of it in general. I felt as though it was kinda weird and didn't have much purpose. However, I guess that's what your series is about :/
But anyway, how I would have improved it. I did feel as though it was pitch black for far too long and as a viewer, you feel as though something has gone wrong... either that or you have the temptation to turn off the video because as a viewer, you go on youtube to watch videos - not a black screen. Then, the footage is quite grainy once it gets to it, you can still get a dark effect on the video whilst still being able to see you - under lighting works well because it gives strong light whilst still keeping the majority of the scene dark.
From looking at these three videos, I can understand exactly why your Mark Remarks series is popular because of the fact that it is funny. I found it really interesting to watch and would happily watch one again. And your Randumb series, I believe that is less successful because of the fact that the video I watched of it was kinda weird.
Video Reviews Done!!