Review for my channel?

I'm don't know much about the game and I'm no reviewer...but I thought your voice came in crystal clear witch is important with commentary. I would cut parts in the audio where your thinking and stuff that's unnecessary or when your breathing into the mic. I have the same kind of problems when I do my commentary.
Yea well the problem is I only have Sony Vegas Pro 11 on my laptop, which I only use for gaming and not recording. The problem is I am fairly new to Windows Live Movie Maker and as far as I know cuttting parts would make the audio way off. Is there a way to fix it maybe?
Thanks alot for the review anyway :).

Ok...without even seeing a video, I can tell you that you should put your videos on autoplay and your settings on your page to "blogger." It forces people to watch, and if they're interested, they'll keep watching. It never hurts to do autoplay. And with the blogger function, viewers can see other videos you've posted. watch the let's talk about the Minecraft Let's Play. Just starting off, you should always have an idea for how you want your commentary to form. Are you going to talk about the aspects of the game? Your reactions to what's going on? Or something completely unrelated? All are viable choices, but none of them involve slipping up on words in the first 10 seconds of video footage. Look at it this way: your youtube channel is a TV channel, and most audiences figure out if they want to watch more or stop watching within the first 5 seconds of footage. If you stumble in the first five seconds, people will assume you'll do it throughout the video, and that's not what you want.

With that said, next time recording, take a deep breath, practice what the first thing you'll say will be (it's good to have an intro in these circumstances. In your case I think a verbal intro would be perfect), and don't be afraid of stopping and starting over. A fumble here and there in the middle is fine, just remember that your first five to ten seconds should be the most engaging part of your video, or at least is sure to grab attention. I struggle with that myself.

You probably could have actually cut out the entire first 1:17 of footage. Everything you said about whoever it was who suggested you play (also, next time, you should probably take the time to say WHO asked you. Especially if it was a fan, shows that you care about your audience) could be said after this, as you're actually playing the game. Looking at it as a consumer, I'd rather not see you waiting for a screen to load while you awkwardly try to fill in dead space. I know that sounds harsh, but put yourself in my shoes. Would you want to see that?

Ok...after finishing the video, I'm left a little confused. Mind you, I don't watch minecraft videos, but the ones I have watched, don't they build things? What I saw was a bunch of running around and then death. Again, I'm no expert, and I know you can't build a castle in a day, but I'm pretty sure you can start building something within the first ten minutes of playing (correct me if I'm wrong and disregard the rest of this paragraph). You should be mindful of what you upload as it is the representation of your channel and what potential subscribers are going to get more of. If you aren't going to do anything, at least have something interesting to say. If you don't have either, it's probably not the best idea to put that video up. Always ask yourself "If I came across this video randomly, would I keep watching it?"

I also checked out your GetAmped video. Just a question: is there an audience for that? Because I watched and got extremely bored. Even when the action started, I didn't understand anything that was going on (speaking of, again, you could have cut the ENTIRE part where you were in the lobby or whatever). Maybe shoutcasting this would be a good avenue, if people knew the rules or if you explained them.

All in all, I'd say you need to have a plan before you turn your recorder on. Figure out what you want to accomplish in your video and accomplish it, and if you don't...scrap it entirely and try again. Minecraft is fun to watch, but only if something happens. GetAmped COULD be fun to watch, if you cut out all the filler. The animation tests are something I've never thought were necessary for anyone to include. If you're going to do a test, test out a 30-45 second clip...don't half-a** it and do 4-5 seconds...but again, just an opinion.

I've heard of people writing down filler topics on paper and placing them near themselves just in case they ran out of things to say. Maybe try that.

But that's just my two cents. Take with it what you will.
Also! There are actually a lot of review requests on here for their gaming should check out the other threads and see what the forum says about those and the tips that re given and see if they'll help you at all.
Thanks alot! Also, the first day in MC you basically collect wood, wool, stone and food.
I will take all the tips and use them in my next video!

Very good voice quality, I might have to try out Audacity on my commentaries. With that being said, a more structured/outlined objective of what you plan to accomplish in each episode is a must. This way, you are working your way towards a goal, instead of running around aimlessly not really doing much. I think if you make a few tweaks, your gameplay videos could be really good. Sorry I only watched Minecraft, it's the only game I recognized. Oh, I do have one question. Do you use a headset microphone or a desktop mic? I can hear you hitting keys on your keyboard, which makes me think you have a desktop mic. I could be wrong though, wouldn't be the first time. Alright man, happy holidays and I look forward to seeing your new vids. Take care!