Requirements for JOINING FULLSCREEN ???

yes you do. Youtube made an update a few months ago. Now you lose views for deleted videos.

Dude, check my channel. I have almost 300k views but if you browse my videos by popularity none of them have higher than like 14k. Yet I still have my views.
Dude, check my channel. I have almost 300k views but if you browse my videos by popularity none of them have higher than like 14k. Yet I still have my views.
socialblade . com / youtube / user / universalmusicgroup (remove spaces) Look at their views. I can guarantee they didn't bot views. The deleted a bunch of videos recently.
socialblade . com / youtube / user / universalmusicgroup (remove spaces) Look at their views. I can guarantee they didn't bot views. The deleted a bunch of videos recently.

I don't know what you're talking about, I had 270k views with the video, I went to apply to a whole bunch of networks, one said I had copyright material so I searched Google if deleting YouTube videos also deleted their views from your view count, everyone said no in the search results, so I deleted the three videos I had w/o commentaries, and now I have 300k views still, and that was like three weeks ago. So unless I'm an exception, deleting videos does not delete their views from your view count.