Related Channels, I just disabled


New Member
I had 6 channels listed as related channels that pretty much do the same thing I do -- competition. I don't like advertising my competitors. Also one of the crafters that listed in my related channels comes to my site regularly and pretty much copies some of my projects (she adds a change here and there, but the basic of the project comes from my own design) very annoying. I looked at all of the channels that are listed and I only show up on one of the channel in my related list. I personally don't think it worth enabling, especially when I'm barely showing up on other channels.

I work hard to drive traffic to my channel via social media so I just decided to disable and see how I do without this feature. Has anybody disabled related channel and still did well with their channel?
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That's an interesting take. I've never really thought about it, I always left in on on both of my channels with hopes of someone noticing it. After all, it's not only free advertising for them. It's also free advertising for you, and who knows how many channels' "related" tabs you appear in, yknow?
interesting I have seen related channels column before. I didn't think one showed up on my channel ill have to check that out. I would be interested to see who YouTube thinks my related channels are. edit- mine does not have related channels but popular channels if you disable it says that it prevents your channel from being recommended on other channels pages. I left it on, I think that could be a bigger help than it would hurt.
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I have thought about this too actually (but never did anything about it). My problem with this is that my channel related to a channel with content so far from mine that I found it scary. Keep us up to date on how this disable-thing works out for you and your channel
I dont mind the related channels on my home page. I have even gone one further and approached some that I like and we show each others channels as recommended.
I also use their channels/videos for inspiration. Just recently I see one 'my competitions' videos and it sparked around 30 ideas for videos of my own.
I had 6 channels listed as related channels that pretty much do the same thing I do -- competition. I don't like advertising my competitors.

While it is your channel and you can do whatever you want, I would never disable mine. It gives viewers the opportunity to find my channel from the related section on other channels and even if viewers leave my channel and go somewhere else, that still adds to overall session time.
Hehe. I don't know why, but my "related channels" tab is quite a random one.
Only one of the channels listed is similar to mine.
(Talking about 'random' - I really don't know what Scarce, Pewdiepie and Leon Lush are doing there since all I'm doing is random gaming edits)
So I'm neutral about this. It's just there. It doesn't do me nor good nor bad things. Although I think that even If I'd get to "advertise" 4 channels doing something very me - like, I wouldn't take it as a competition really. Sharing is caring, hehe

+ Yet that would be nice if the things would get ...reversed~... and somehow my channel's name would appear in Pewdiepie's front page...
There wouldn't be any complaints... any at all...
While it is your channel and you can do whatever you want, I would never disable mine. It gives viewers the opportunity to find my channel from the related section on other channels and even if viewers leave my channel and go somewhere else, that still adds to overall session time.
My problem is, my channel is not being recommended enough on other channels. I see several being recommended constantly (due to subscriber count and views) but I've only seen my channel on one related channel yet I got 5 people on my related channel list and I don't show up on their channel links at all
This is a question I've been asking myself for a couple of a weeks and I understand your point of view.

I've seen my channel in smaller channels but never in the big ones so I'm not really sure how this work. Probably YouTube will never do this but I would love them to show some analytics about this one, I could only found Other YouTube sources in Traffic sources but doesn't really give me an explanation or anything else.

It would be great if they can show you in what channels you are appearing at the moment. I understand you wanting to remove this feature, I don't mind it since the channels featured on my YT are really big channels so people usually already know them and maybe if I keep growing I will get there