
Reddit just takes some getting used to, and knowing the proper subreddit to post to like TheBardKen said. My first original post there was to /games for a let's play, that post didn't last 1 minute before being downvoted and removed. Than I posted it to r/letsplay where it got views & and upvote/downvote. I also found out it helps to take part in the community and discussions, so people can become more familiar with you and your style.
There's a lot of trolls there, that will even dislike good stuff...sometimes. However, you can gain feedback from people that do like what they're seeing, and views will eventually come :D
You can get many Views from reddit my some videos got many views from reddit.
Make the title of the topic interesting and don't only post your content . I dont only self promote my content but sometimes post other people content too.
Reddit's helped me out a lot. I didn't get alot of likes nor dislikes from Reddit. But the most popular reddits will usually give you a views jump of around 100 views.

The best Reddits to share your videos on
Aww(for cute content)
WTF(For weird content)
Funny(For comedy videos)
Videos(Everything else.)