Reckless Ed - Funny Top 5 videos. Looking for reviews. (9 Mths, 2500 subs)

Reckless Ed

New Member
Hey guys,

I create Top 10 and Top 5 videos. I've been doing it for about 9 months and have almost 2500 subs. Looking to try and double that in the next 6 months, so I was wanting people to look at my channel and give me feedback on anything from Banner Art to Channel Layout to Video Content, etc. Essentially anything you have time to look at and think you have an idea for improvement, I'm open.

I think you have a great channel! The videos are well-produced, you know your voice, and your banner, thumbnails, etc., are fantastic.

From your videos, I noticed you have two which are really popular, and the rest are doing okay, but not as okay as I'd imagine videos for someone with the number of subscribers you have in terms of views. The airport landings video and the Disney secrets video are both wildly popular (airport landings gave you over a million views, congratulations!!), so I'd try to find things that can be listed that are more likely to get you views in the Top 10/Top 5/List world. The other videos you've made are well-done, but they're also on subjects I've seen in lists before, so maybe do some looking into what people search for all the time, but isn't often covered in a list format? I only say this based on your goal of doubling your subscriber base, because otherwise, I think it looks really professional.
Ok so that is actually some great feedback. Thank you. I'll start looking at current, medium, and long term search trends to decide possible directions for video content.