Real life scumbags trying to put me down


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So they are these people I know in real life. They are not friends but kind of are. They are just some up the road people I used to hang around with when I was 9 but we took different paths when we were 12 because, well I do not want to say why but there is a massive clue in the title. They are trying to say....

'Your voice is wet'
'You have an online blog that's moist' (Ye and doing weed isn't)
'Give up, your s**t'
'You want to game for the rest of your life, you sad wet gamer' (No I do not do 100% gaming on my channel, I am starting vlogs now and doing comedy films in October, and you say making a little extra $$ is to.)

These guys are really getting on my nerves and trying to hold me back. They talk to me over xbox now days. I try to delete them but they just spam me with friend requests. Any advice on how to not let these loosers stop you
Ignore them. You're only feeding them by responding and that's not doing any good for this situation. Don't worry about what others think because the only one that can hold you back is yourself, not those idiots.
Ignore them. You're only feeding them by responding and that's not doing any good for this situation. Don't worry about what others think because the only one that can hold you back is yourself, not those idiots.
I do say IDC what you think but as these are real life people who I could even bump into now it is harder, if it was some twat from America or Australia (not being racist to these countries, every country has a scum or 2 and just an example) I wouldn't really care but real life is harder to ignore.
I run into people I don't like everyday, but I'm not bothered by it because I'm worried about me, not them. You have to find a way to bypass that feeling of resentment and associate yourself with a group of people who support you. You're young and showing signs of maturity so don't let them get to you.
I have a friend who kinda does the same thing. To him YouTube is a competition. My advice is to ignore them. Ask advice from others.:D
I'm master in ignoring. People also know that I can be very mean (so I don't have experiance with it), but ignoring is the best you can do. As long you have fun with what you do don't stop. If 1.000.000 on youtube dislike your videos and you still make videos for fun don't stop. Never stop with what you love doing.
So they are these people I know in real life. They are not friends but kind of are. They are just some up the road people I used to hang around with when I was 9 but we took different paths when we were 12 because, well I do not want to say why but there is a massive clue in the title. They are trying to say....

'Your voice is wet'
'You have an online blog that's moist' (Ye and doing weed isn't)
'Give up, your s**t'
'You want to game for the rest of your life, you sad wet gamer' (No I do not do 100% gaming on my channel, I am starting vlogs now and doing comedy films in October, and you say making a little extra $$ is to.)

These guys are really getting on my nerves and trying to hold me back. They talk to me over xbox now days. I try to delete them but they just spam me with friend requests. Any advice on how to not let these loosers stop you

Wow those are some of the shittest insults I've ever heard, wish I could meet them I'd tear them a part... Verbally of course :p

My advice is just not even give them the slightest bit of attention. I mean who really cares what scumbags think?
I agree with the advice to ignore them, but you never want to rule out a dirty prank, especially if you can post it on YouTube and get views from it ;)
I'd love to help you plot your revenge! :p