Rate your Network! (1-10)

Currently? 9/10

Creator X is really super about their support, but the dashboard just refuses to refresh...
Thanks! We're blaming Fullscreen on the dashboard issue. ha Sorry about that! Hopefully sorted out soon!

Creator X 9/10 Fabulous network but their community forums is just full of......lol.
Thanks! Forums are a tough nut to crack. We're very active in the CX sub-forums and try to keep those ship shape! That said, it can be hard. PM us with more info on how we can do better!

I'm With CreatorX. I'm giving it an 8 :]
Ouch! ha This one surprises us considering all the one on one. ;) PM us and let us know where we've fallen short!


If you would rate CX less than a 9... PM us... we want to know more! Thanks!
Ouch! ha This one surprises us considering all the one on one. ;) PM us and let us know where we've fallen short!


If you would rate CX less than a 9... PM us... we want to know more! Thanks!

Let me rephrase this. I think I explained it in another thread, but I can't find it.

I meant to give CreatorX a 9-10 and FullScreen a 7 or so.
CreatorX has been really supportive, helpful, responsive, and proactive.
I love the promotion CreatorX has given me. They've retweeted a lot of my stuff, put my video on their featured page, and have answered all of my very detailed questions/requests.

However, they are stuck waiting for FullScreen's progress.

While FullScreen has a lot of awesome features, their forums need A LOT of work. Without that infrastructure, it is so hard to meet others and initiate collabs. You can't even delete or edit posts -_-.
Also, FullScreen does not really cross-promote across it's subnetworks. In fact, I did a collab yesterday with someone partnered directly with FullScreen and between the 2 of us, we couldn't even think of the names of the other subnetworks.
My dashboard on FullScreen has not been updated for more than a week, which is odd, but may be due to lag. I'm waiting on this before I send a ticket in.
For FullScreen support, I sent in a ticket about 2 videos that I couldn't claim (but by all means had the rights to and should be able to claim). It's been almost a month and I haven't been able to move forward with those videos, despite sending follow-up emails. This may also be due to YouTube's slow review process, but I'm not sure.

P.S. an 8 isn't bad..it's like an A-/B+ ;P