Rate my new Trailer


In preparation for the new 2013 YouTube layout, Ive been working on a new channel design and a new trailer.
Would like some opinions please! Ive had some feedback on the channel baner already, so aiming more for some feedback on the trailer.....

The trailer isnt live yet - its obviously uploaded but Ive set it to unlisted so that only those I share the link with can view. Waiting for the new layout before it goes public etc.

Thanks in advance!


Wow, I'm all hyped up. That is really good! I would add subscribe at the end though. You always want a call to action. I often forget myself. :) You got me thinking that I actually do need a trailer, I was just going to toss up my most popular vid but maybe I will make one.
Thanks - I didnt want to talk and ask people to subscribe etc. Just wanted to leave the option open but create a video with a gimpse into what the channel is about etc.
I think you're right though, I need to add some subscribe text or something at the end........
I think it looks really great!
Although, I feel you used too many effects in the trailer, more doesn't always mean better. :)
Ive added a second version, which includes some text at the end to highlight what my channel is and to subscribe!

Which is better?
Wow this looks so professional, its clear short and lets people know what to expect from the channel, great job, its very in choosing from the 2 versions as both are really good, for some reason i prefer the 1st version :)
Wow this looks so professional, its clear short and lets people know what to expect from the channel, great job, its very in choosing from the 2 versions as both are really good, for some reason i prefer the 1st version :)

Thanks. I can't decide between the two. The only difference is the second has the summary at the end, along with the 'subscribe' text, but on the other hand I question whether I actually need this? I mean, if someone likes the channel they will subscribe anyway regardless of whether the next is there at the end or not!