rate 1/10 this profile picture

I don't know why but i don't like it :D i will probably do another one any tips ?

I think it would look cool with a white border around it. As for the background effect, I think you should make it more less faded out so people can see it more clearly.
Thanks for the honest rate :( any tips to upgrade and not suck at life that badly?
I don't really think it is a 1/10. I think it's pretty cool, actually. 6/10 at least. It's a lot better than I could do. It is something that will look better larger rather than smaller, so with smaller icons, it's best to keep them simple. "Flat" is the fad right now. Look at Facebook's icon.

I only said 1/10 as a trollish joke because your title literally said to give it a 1/10 rating.
I've moved your thread to the review / feedback forum.

For future reference: - Please note that the review forum is the only forum where active YTtalk members can ask for feedback on their videos and channel (including artwork) at the rate of no more than 1 request per week. We like to keep this sort of thread out of the main forums. :) If the review request complies with the review forum rules (at the top of the review forum), then they get approved by a member of staff.