Quick Question - Scheduled Uploads


If it's radioactive, Its on TYTD
Hi all!

Just a quick question; Im out of town this weekend and I want to keep my upload schedule in check so I was considering using the Scheduled upload options to post the video while im travelling. however; I had heard that youtubes algorithm tends to favour newer videos and gives them a bit of a boost in the first 7 days of being uploaded.

So I guess what im asking is a two part question; firstly: Is that correct? because if so I'd be more inclined to monitor videos during this time...and if it isnt it would take quite a bit of pressure off and more or less answers my next question which is: if I upload a video using the scheduled upload tools and it is true that the algorythm favours new uploads for a brief time. would that favouring start from the moment my video was uploaded or from the moment my video was published to my channel?

I only ask because I've recently started picking up a bit of traction in terms of views and subs and I want to make sure I squeeze every ounce of thrust I can get out of the system at this time. im concerned that if I upload and schedule the night before I might lose between 12 and 16 hours of potential "Push" time if the algorith counts the "Boost" time as from the moment the video is uploaded...as an alternative I can upload the video when I get to the other side of my destination...but it would be well past when I normally upload and I'd probably be very sleepy xD

Any advice would be very much appreciated! :) cheers!
To my knowledge since the video isn't up on Youtube yet but just scheduled to me it seems like it would favor once it's completely uploaded on the scheduled time. Since no one can view or watch the video other then you in the video manager before then. :O!
Cheers for the heads up gents :)
if thats the case I'll get a scheduled upload in place tonight and set it to go up a bit earlier than my normal upload time tomorrow afternoon...I wont be able to do my social media outreachs till Late night Friday/Saturday at the earliest anyway...but as long as im not getting hit too badly all should be good :)