question regarding monetization


today i started using my old youtube again. i uploaded a song which i have permission to upload and use, does this mean i can have monetization on the video?

sorry, my english is horrible, :(

If you have permission from the creator you can monotize it IF they told you you can monotize.
if you monetise it, the copyright holder (the band or label) might claim all money made off of it. you can check copyright policies of bands in the audio library of youtube.
I moved this to the YouTube video & monetization discussion forum. :)

I'd check the message that you received outlining your permission to use the music. There's a difference between being able to use the music, and being able to make money while using the music. I'd imagine they would have included a blurb about monetization in their message. If they say you are allowed to use the music for profit, then it should be okay to monetize it. If they say that it cannot be for profit, then I don't think you can. Some people don't want others earning money using part of their work, so I'd double-check!
You said you have permission, then could you please share it with us? A correct written permission will have all the details, we then would be able to advice you on this. Just remember oral permission almost always equal to no permission, which will risk your account getting banned.