Q&A with my 5 year old

Steph F

My daughter asked me to make another video with her, so I am going to this weekend. Last time we made one (Interview with the Julia), I just asked her random questions and her answers were kinda funny.

If anyone wants to submit a question for the video (keep in mind she is 5 years old), send it my way.


My daughter asked me to make another video with her, so I am going to this weekend. Last time we made one (Interview with the Julia), I just asked her random questions and her answers were kinda funny.

If anyone wants to submit a question for the video (keep in mind she is 5 years old), send it my way.


Do you like Legos? Why or why not? Have you built anything cool?

What food do you hate and why?

Possibly thoughts on if she thinks Santa and other things are real.... This might be something to do later, it's up to you.