Gaming PS4/PC Gaming Group


Active Member
Hi, i'm looking for other YouTubers to start a PS4/PC gaming group.


- 13+ Years old
- Good mic
- Mature
- Can take a joke (even offensive ones)
- Uploads somewhat often
- Uploads quality content
- Discord
- Free to record fairly often
- Can get along with people

- Fortnite (PC or PS4)
- Bo4 (PS4)
- R6 Siege (PC)
- Minecraft (PC)
- BO3 (PS4)
- Gmod (PC)

You don't have to have all of them, but at least a few.
You also don't need both consoles, but it would be preferable.
15 years old and I am looking to collaborate with people. Would love to do some gta 5 races if you have gta 5 on ps4 or I have fortnite on my pc and ps4 if you want to play that too.