Promotion using Reddit

Hey Everyone,

do you any experiences using reddit?
For example I posted a Video on reddit: (cannot show it, forbidden to post links)

It has about 500 views, but since I posted it I only gained 30 Views on Youtube.

Any ideas?
You should treat Reddit as any other forum, as there´s a lot of youtubers posting their videos there, and Reddit users are brutal when they feel they have been wronged and/or they feel that you are spamming your videos. I recommend you to build up your Karma and slowly post your videos!
Thank you for your answer,
I posted a snowboard Video into a snowboarding subreddit.
But there is one thing I don't understand:
doesn't Youtube count views coming from reddit?
Or why did I get only 30 Youtube Views from 500 Reddit views?
Thank you for your answer,
I posted a snowboard Video into a snowboarding subreddit.
But there is one thing I don't understand:
doesn't Youtube count views coming from reddit?
Or why did I get only 30 Youtube Views from 500 Reddit views?

It depends on the people checking out the subreddit, you can see how many that are subscribed to that specific subreddit. if it has a low amount, there´s a high probability that not a lot of people will se it. and even though there might be a big number of subscribers of that reddit, a lot of them might not even want to see the video for whatever reason.
It might mean that 500 people did see it on their list but 30 people clicked and watched the actual video. people will also subtly react to you posting the video in the subreddit. if your karma increase, people like the post (and to some extent, the video) but if you lose karma, they will dislike the post (which doesn´t mean the video itself, people might dislike that you post it there in the first place)
I’ve had some experience with Reddit. It’s all about finding the right groups. You did well for posting the snowboard video in a snowboard group. The views, as others have mentioned, just means someone has viewed that post. However, they have to click the video for it to start playing in order to officially count as a view on YouTube.

There’s also video and YouTube groups you may be interested in joining. Best of luck!