Promo Banners - Please Read

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Thanks, good to know:) I'll still be here I'm not here just for promotion I'm here for making friends as well :D
I like the banner system personally but I guess it has to go if its not working out and also I cant really speak for the homepage banner promotion compared to the forum because I really dont know how much traffic my channel gets from each of them.
I never had a banner

Michael, I know that this decision was a hard one and at the time of doing it, was certainly useful, like any business, as it grows change is needed. I think there are many other avenues of getting noticed on this site. Putting in the effort to physically use the site is A GREAT way of not only getting subscribers but getting YouTube educated, Not to mention, making some pretty darn cool friends.
So your decision is completely understandable.
for me the banners have become like a new cell phone at first your touching it all the time amazed by it..but then you get use to it and don't care much for it haha.... It was good while it was around but i'm good with moving on!
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