Professional channel name...?


^^ Cool Dude
Okay so my content will be mostly tips and tricks videos, the odd informative video, etc

Should I use my current channel or swap to a more professional name?

Also, professional name suggestions would be great!
Unless you really want to create a new channel, you can always brand your current channel towards how you want it.. for example there's a youtuber named "zeldaxlove64" but she brands her channel using her real name "Christina Grimmie".. its all up to you really.. honestly i think your current user name is just fine to me :p
Oddly, YouTube has been well known for people who have different usernames than their channel name. As long as the branding is consistent (even if the name of the channel is different) people will still find it. After all, I recognize YT people I follow as different names than their channel often.

It can HELP to have a solid branding, right down to the name, but it's not necessary. However, you should know thour't going to be stuck with your YT name forever shouldst thou become extremely popular. Personally, while I'm doing the "MMO Anthropology" series (and that's my primary branding) I'm keeping ThePrinceofMillAve because in some ways it's hilariously memorable. :)